BK Climbers - climbing in good company!

BK Climbers is a climbing club offering climbing related activities for people of any age to get the most out of climbing. Our mission is to develop and improve the knowledge and practice of bouldering in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Our home gyms are Boulderkeskus’ gyms in Konala, Herttoniemi, Lauttasaari and Suomenoja in Espoo. Founded in 2014, BK Climbers is a member of the Finnish Climbing Association (SKIL). 

We are most passionate about offering climbing opportunities for kids. In our junior climbing groups, there are about 250 climbers every season and some of our young climbers from the goal-oriented groups can even be found in the Finnish National Team! BK Climbers has a variety of great instructors and coaches, supported by the Boulderkeskus coaching team.

Anyone interested in climbing can join BK Climbers! Read more about BKC and its member benefits here.

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Boulderkeskus Konalaa uudistetaan heinäkuussa! Lue lisää remontin aikataulusta ajankohtaista-osiosta. Halli tulee olemaan kiinni 22.7. - 4.8.


Boulderkeskus Konala is being renovated in July! Read more about the schedule in out blog. The gym will be closed 22.7. - 4.8.

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